White Horse

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Latest pub news - Volunteer, Grove, & Hare, West Hendred

Monday 4 April 2016

The Volunteer at Grove is to re-open within the next couple of weeks. Although there will be an emphasis on food - a full time chef has been employed - cask beer will be sourced from Dayla, and dispensed via four beer engines; the initial offerings will include Adnams Broadside, Roosters Buckeye and Youngs Bitter, and local ale is certainly a possibility.

Apart from a la carte meals, bar snacks will be available, including pies, fish and chips, sandwiches and baguettes at lunchtime. Meals will be served till around 9.30pm on weekdays and 10pm at weekends. We wish the new owner, Debbie Cox, all the best, and look forward to visiting soon.

The Hare at West Hendred, also long closed, is being advertised as a going concern - http://www.starpubs.co.uk/pubs/hare-west-hendred Good news all round.